‘Starbucks Spelling’ Blog Receives National Attention

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Jenna Livingston graduated from Miami Ad School in 2008 and is now a successful copywriter in New York City. But in addition to using her talents for brands, lately she’s found notoriety from something more unusual than winning an award or producing a Super Bowl spot. She started a blog chronicling the numerous, often hilarious name-changing FUBARs that Starbucks Baristas inflict on hapless patrons. This must have actually happened to a LOT of people, because Jenna has already received press from OC Weekly, NY Daily News, and the Madison Square Garden website.

So the next time you’re ordering your half double decaffeinated half-caf, with a twist of lemon, when they ask your name make sure you e-nun-ci-ate. Or you might be left standing at the counter wondering why Hayley hasn’t picked up her drink yet, Aiden.

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Press coverage by The OC Weekly

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